Welcome to Frank Tschöpe Landscape & Wildlife Photography!

I am a professional photographer specializing in high quality nature and landscape pictures. Usually I combine my hiking and running trips around the world with photography! Currently I use fixed lenses from Zeiss and Canon with focal lengths of 21mm, 24mm, 35mm, 50mm and zooms with 70-200mm and 200-560mm!

For more awe-inspiring pictures please visit my homepage www.franktschoepe.com

Currently you will find there galleries on the topics Patagonia, Iceland, Nepal, Wildlife, People and Arctic Foxes. I offer also beautiful calendars, posters and selected pictures. Any questions? You are very welcome to contact me via my homepage.

My favorite mountains: Cerro Torre, Cerro Fitzroy, Ama Dablam, Mount Cook, Mount McKinnley, Piz Palu, Matterhorn

My favorite countries: Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Patagonia, Nepal, New Zealand, Alaska, Switzerland

My favorite music: Amanda Palmer, Coldplay, Sigur Ros, Foo Fighters, Björk, Loreena McKennitt, The Gathering, Kristin Hersh, Aerosmith

Hobbies and Activities: Trail-Running, Worldwide Travel, Chess, Mathematics, Photography, Concerts, Hiking, Triathlon, Psychology, Behavioral Finance

Favorite Photo: "Squirrel with nut" (Eichhörnchen mit Nuss)

I hope you enjoy my website and find some inspiration for your own photography projects!  For more beautiful pictures Visit www.franktschoepe.com

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